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F. Stanco, D. Tanasi, G. Guarnera, G. Gallo, "Automatic classification of decorative patterns in the Minoan pottery of Kamares style". Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing in Archaeometry: Mathematical and Computational Solutions for Archaeology, pp. 186-211, IGI Global, DOI 10.4018/978-1-60960-786-9, 2011.

F. Stanco, D. Tanasi, G. Gallo, "Digital Reconstruction of Fragmented Glass Plate Photographs: the Case of Archaeological Photography". Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Vol 2.1, pp. pp. 1-11, DOI 10.1685/journal.caim.361, 2011.

F. Stanco, D. Tanasi, A. Bruna, V. Maugeri, "Automatic Color Detection of Archaeological Pottery with Munsell System". In proceedings of 16th International Conference Image Analysis and Processing ICIAP 2011, Vol LNCS 6978, pp. 337-346, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-24085-0_35, 2011.

F. Stanco, D. Tanasi, "Experiencing the Past. Computer Graphics in Archaeology". DIGITAL IMAGING FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE PRESERVATION. Analysis, Restoration and Reconstruction of Ancient Artworks, CRC Press, 2011.